
Marco Cueva: sculptor. Born 1965 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. 1990-96 Art studies at Kungliga Konsthögskolan in Stockholm, the city where i live and work since 1989, I’m represented by Gallery Charlotte Lund

My Work:Over the past few years I have tried to portray ethereal and loose objects or phenomena, such as clouds or smoke, in stone and other hard materials, but mostly in alabaster and marble. I want to create an illusion of weightlessness thereby
creating a contradiction between the subject and its execution. The inspiration usually comes from popular culture or art history, many times from religious objects. Often those are derived from non western traditions, many of these motives are already
laden with cultural significance, this will hopefully make it easier for the viewer to arrive, through free association, to something close to my original thought. For me te choice of material is very important but even more how it is processed.

The Blog:
“En Construcción (Under Construction)”, here you can find works in progress, ongoing processes, my latest pieces, work i do on the side and other things that inspire and influence me.