Exposicion Esculturas de Marco Cueva “Alegorías“
Presentacion de tercera muestra de ESCULTURAS en nuestra ciudad del artista Marco Cueva (n. 1965 en San Pedro Sula), actualmente radicado en Estocolmo, Suecia, lugar adonde estudió arte en el Real…
Author: Marco Cueva
Born 1965 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras
New/old pieces get a make-over
Drawing Instrument
Patient Hotel, South Hospital
“The Birth of venus” and “Io” placed in the lobby of the Hotel for Patients at Årstavikens, Södersjukhuset, SLL
"Leão Que Ri" (Laughing Lion)
My “Lion” is 99% done, i have to make some minor adjustment, now i only need to find funding to put it in production and place it on the market.
My “Leão que Ri ” is almost ready for deliverance to the foundry at Alunda – i hope so- i’s been a long process and its documented here…